Archive Mode. Call UpCycled: Turning Waste into Wonder ended on 3/27/23, 1:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Find love

Find love , UpCycled - 3D Art
Find love
This piece is about find that one happy love in a sea of sadness. The blue book page roses represent the sea of sadness and misfortune we find throughout life where as the single red book page roses represents the live and happiness we can find and focus on. I used a wooden wall art piece a neighbor was throwing out along with a book in their recycling bin (with permission) along with the bags from fairy dust to cover the original wood background and repurposed packing materials from a recent order to create a makeshift garden. The green leaves are from a friend that was cleaning out her craft room to give more of a garden feel. I went this direction with the piece as an inspiration that one day I too can find that happy piece in my life after a failed marriage and giant shift in life.

UpCycled - 3D Art    22 x 18 x 4    $200.00    2   

Is the piece framed and wired properly?
What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
Mixed media - recycled items
Please list the recycled/repurposed items used in this piece
Wood panel, book pages, packing supplies, recycled craft leaves, and paper bags from fairy dust.


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