Archive Mode. Call UpCycled: Turning Waste into Wonder ended on 3/27/23, 1:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

It's Not easy Being Green

It's Not easy Being Green, UpCycled - 3D Art
It's Not easy Being Green
Paper Mache' was used to cover recyclable materials to create a Green Sea Turtle. The turtle is covered in craft packing paper that has been hand printed with a custom made "stamp". The "ocean" is on a wire clothing hanger. The warp is dry cleaning bags and the weave is plarn, (Plastic bags). The weaving backdrop creates a dream catcher effect with a long, decorative tail. The bubble wrap, and balloons with long ties are detrimental to turtles.

UpCycled - 3D Art    40 x 21 x 6    $95.00    2   

Is the piece framed and wired properly?
What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
paper mache' and weaving
Please list the recycled/repurposed items used in this piece
plastic food container, paper rolls, aluminum foil, craft packing paper, wire clothes hanger, dry cleaning bags, grocery bags. plastic shower scroungy, plastic bubble wrap, bottle caps, latex balloons


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