Archive Mode. Call UpCycled: Turning Waste into Wonder ended on 3/27/23, 1:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Spiritual Rain

Spiritual Rain, UpCycled - 3D Art
Spiritual Rain
This art piece is made from a cracked granite piece from a counter top. Two metal flat strapping from construction site. Metal rods in the interior and the glass spirals are from a old chandelier that had hand blown glass spirals. The chandelier came out of Old Tampa house being destroyed, I just salvaged the glass.

UpCycled - 3D Art    48 x 14 x 6    $585.00    15   

Is the piece framed and wired properly?
What is the MEDIUM of the piece? (ie: acrylic, watercolor, mixed media, clay sculpture, etc.)
Metal, Granite and old chandelier glass from it
Please list the recycled/repurposed items used in this piece
-Granite from a broken counter top
-Metal flat strapping from construction site
-Glass spirals from tore down chandelier out of a Tampa estate.
-Found metal for the interior


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